Database - MBA, BBA, BBM Entrance Exams
December MAT 2024 (Admissions 2025)
Record Count: 1,001Fields: Aspirant Name, Email ID, Mobile, State, CityPrice₹ 1,500.00 -
NMAT 2024
Record Count: 42,238Fields: Candidate Name, Mobile, Email ID, State, CityPrice₹ 4,000.00 -
September MAT 2024 & MBA Aspirants (Admissions 2025)
Record Count: 7,338Fields: Name, Father Name, Address, City, Mobile, Alt. Number, Email, College, Education Details, Work Experience, CategoryPrice₹ 2,500.00 -
KMAT (MBA) 2024
Record Count: 4,137Fields: Application ID, Course, Candidate Name, Gender, DOB, Domicile, Mobile, Email, Previous Education Details, Address, City, Pincode, StatePrice₹ 2,500.00 -
CUET (BBA) 2024
Record Count: 47,749Fields: Program Name, Application No., Candidate Name, Parents Name, Mobile, DOB, StatePrice₹ 3,000.00 -
Telangana ICET 2024
Record Count: 65,535Fields: HT No., Rank, Candidate Name, Father Name, Mobile, Category, Email, Address, District, Pincode, StatePrice₹ 5,000.00 -
Andhra Pradesh ICET 2024
Record Count: 42,327Fields: ICET HT. No., Candidate Name, Mobile, Email, Caste, Section Marks, Total Marks, ICET RankPrice₹ 4,500.00 -
May MAT 2024
Record Count: 2,878Fields: Candidate Name, Mobile, Email, District, StatePrice₹ 2,500.00 -
ATMA (MAY) 2024
Record Count: 2,415Fields: PID, Roll No., Name, Email ID, Mobile, Gender, City, State, Stream, Work Experience Details, Academic Details, MAT Scores and percentilePrice₹ 2,500.00 -
IP University BBA Entrance Exam 2024
Record Count: 16,613Fields: Applicantion No., Roll No., Applicant Name, Mobile, Email, Rank, Program NamePrice₹ 3,500.00 -
February MAT 2024
Record Count: 3,686Fields: Name, Email, Mobile, City, State, Score, PercentilePrice₹ 3,000.00 -
Kerala MAT 2024
Record Count: 1,741Fields: Name, MobilePrice₹ 2,000.00 -
February ATMA 2024
Record Count: 1,743Fields: PID, Roll No., Name, Email ID, Mobile, DOB, Gender, Category, City, State, Stream, Work Experience Details, Roll No., Academic Details, MAT Scores and percentilePrice₹ 2,500.00 -
SNAP 2023 (Admission 2024)
Record Count: 85,186Fields: Name, Email, Mobile, ProvincePrice₹ 5,000.00 -
December MAT 2023 (Admission 2024 Batch)
Record Count: 1,780Fields: Form No., Name, Email ID, Mobile, Alternate Mobile, DOB, Gender, Category, Parents Name, Address, City, District, State, Pincode, Stream, Work Experience Details, Roll No., Academic Details, MAT Scores and percentileContains records of 60 and above percentilePrice₹ 2,000.00 -
MBA Aspirants 2023 / 2024 (TIME)
Record Count: 7,338Fields: Name, Father Name, Address, City, Mobile, Email ID, Academic Details, Work Experinece DetailsPrice₹ 2,500.00 -
NMAT 2023
Record Count: 19,222Fields: Candiate Name, DOB, Gender, Email, City, State, MobilePrice₹ 2,500.00 -
KMAT 2023 (MBA)
Record Count: 5,246Fields: Application No, Course, Candidate Name, DOB, Age, Gender, Domicile, Email, Mobile, Stream, Institute Name, Institute Place, Year of Passing, Exam Mode, Address, City, State, PincodePrice₹ 2,500.00 -
ATMA (July) 2023
Record Count: 5,895Fields: PID, Roll No., Name, Scores, Percentile, Gender, Email, City, State, Mobile, Academic Details, Work Experience, Result Validation KeyPrice₹ 2,000.00 -
May MAT 2023
Record Count: 2,285Fields: Form No, Roll No, Name, Email ID, Mobile, DOB, Gender, Nation, Category, Father Name, Mother Name, Address, City, State, Pincode, Previous Academic Details, Work Experience, MAT Score, MAT PercentagePrice₹ 2,000.00 -
ATMA (May) 2023
Record Count: 2,876Fields: PID, Name, Subjectwise Score, Subjectwise Percentile, Total Score, Total Percentile, Email, Mobile, Academic Background, Work Experience, Choices, Result Validation KeyPrice₹ 1,250.00 -
February MAT 2023
Record Count: 3,379Fields: Form No, Roll No, Name, Father Name, Mother Name, Email ID, Gender, Category, DOB, Stream, Address, State, Pincode, Inter Percentage, Graduation Percentage, Phone No, Mobile No, Work Exp, MAT Score, MAT PercentagePrice₹ 1,500.00 -
XAT 2023
Record Count: 61,552Fields: Applicant Name, Email ID, Secondary Email ID, Mobile, DOB, Gender, Nationality, Marital Status, Category, Parents Name, Parents Email ID, Parents Occupation, Parents Income, Address, City, District, State, Pincode, Acasdemic Details, Work Details, Preferred City, XAT Scores and PercentileOnly 32,865 records contains Mobile Numbers; Email ID is available for all recordsPrice₹ 3,500.00 -
SNAP 2022 (Admission 2023)
Record Count: 55,330Fields: Name, Mobile, Email, StatePrice₹ 3,500.00 -
December MAT 2022 (Admissions 2023)
Record Count: 2,450Fields: Form No, Roll NO, Name, Parents Name, Email ID, Gender, Category, DOB, Addess, City, State, Pin, Education History, Mobile, Phone No., Work Experience, Scores and PercentilePrice₹ 1,500.00 -
KMAT 2022 (MBA)
Record Count: 7,398Fields: Application No, Course, Candidate Name, DOB, Age, Gender, Domicile, Email, Mobile, Stream, Institute Name, Institute Place, Year of Passing, Exam Mode, Address, City, State, PincodePrice₹ 1,250.00 -
September MAT 2022
Record Count: 1,968Fields: Form No., Roll No., Name, Father Name, Mother Name, Email ID, Gender, Category, DOB, Stream, Address, State, City, Pin Previous Education Score, Phone No., Mobile, Work Exp, MAT Percentile, MAT ScorePrice₹ 1,250.00 -
ATMA (July) 2022
Record Count: 3,796Fields: PID, Roll No., Name, Scores, Percentile, Address, Gender, Email, DOB, City, Pin, State, Mobile, Academic Details, Work Experience, Result Validation KeyPrice₹ 1,250.00 -
ATMA (May) 2022
Record Count: 1,189Fields: PID, Roll No., Name, Scores, Percentile, Address, Gender, Email, DOB, City, Pin, State, Mobile, Academic Details, Work Experience, Result Validation KeyPrice₹ 500.00 -
May MAT 2022
Record Count: 5,000Fields: Form No, Roll No, Student Name, Father Name, Mother Name, Email Id, Gender, Cetegory, DOB, Stream, Address, State, Pin, Previous Education Scores, Phone Number, Mobile, Work Experience, Score, PercentilePrice₹ 2,000.00 -
CMAT 2022
Record Count: 58,956Fields: Roll No., Application No., Candidate Name, Father Name, Mother Name, DOB, Gender, Category, Nationality, State, Exam Center No., Marks, CMAT Rank, Mobile, Email IDPrice₹ 2,500.00 -
February MAT 2022
Record Count: 1,795Fields: Name, Parents Name, Email ID, Mobile, Gender, DOb, State, City, Pin, Percentile, ScoreContains record only from Assam, Delhi, Haryana, Jharkhand, Manipur, Rajasthan and UPPrice₹ 1,250.00 -
ATMA (February) 2022
Record Count: 3,449Fields: PID, Roll No., Name, Scores, Percentile, Address, Gender, Email, DOB, City, Pin, State, Mobile, Academic Details, Work Experience, Result Validation KeyPrice₹ 1,250.00 -
XAT 2022
Record Count: 49,897Fields: Name, Email, Mobile, Town / City, State, XAT PercentilePrice₹ 2,250.00 -
SNAP 2022
Record Count: 71,581Fields: Name, Mobile, Email, CityPrice₹ 2,250.00 -
CAT 2021 (Admissions 2022)
Record Count: 1,66,934Fields: Applicant Name, Email ID, Mobile, Address, City, State, X Std Percentage, XII Std Percentage, Degree Percentage, Degree Name, CAT PercentilePrice₹ 2,500.00 -
Karnataka PGCET 2021
Record Count: 25,212Fields: Applicant Name, Mobile NumberPrice₹ 1,500.00 -
December MAT 2021
Record Count: 2,745Fields: Name, Parents Name, Email ID, Gender, DOB, Stream, Address, City, Pin, Previous Education Details, Phone Number, Mobile, Work Experience, Composite Score, Composite PercentilePrice₹ 2,000.00 -
Karnataka MBA MAT (KMAT) - 2021
Record Count: 5,728Fields: App No, Course, Candidate Name, DOB, Gender, Domicile, Email, Mobile, Stream, Institute Details, Address, City, State, PincodePrice₹ 1,500.00 -
ATMA (JULY 2021)
Record Count: 1,544Fields: PID, Roll No., Name, Subjectwise Score, Subjectwise Percentile, Total Score, Total Percentile, Address, Gender, Email, DOB, City, PIN, State, Landline no., Mobile, Academic Scores, Work Experience, Choices, Result Validation KeyPrice₹ 750.00 -
May MAT 2021
Record Count: 17,159Fields: Student Name, Father`s Name, Mother`s Name, DOB, Email ID, Gender, Category, Nationality, Address, City, State, Pincode, Mobile Number, Academic History, Work ExperiencePrice₹ 2,000.00 -
Record Count: 2,695Fields: PID, Roll No., Name, Subjectwise Score, Subjectwise Percentile, Total Score, Total Percentile, Address, Gender, Email, DOB, City, PIN, State, Landline no., Mobile, Academic Scores, Work Experience, Choices, Result Validation KeyPrice₹ 750.00 -
ATMA (MAY 2021)
Record Count: 2,848Fields: PID, Name, Subjectwise Score, Subjectwise Percentile, Total Score, Total Percentile, Address, Gender, Email, DOB, City, PIN, State, Landline no., Mobile, Academic Scores, Work Experience, Choices, Result Validation KeyPrice₹ 750.00 -
February MAT 2021
Record Count: 29,396Fields: Register Number, Student Name, Father Name, Mother Name, DOB, Email, Gender, Category, Address, City, State, Pincode, Mobile, Previous Education DetailsPrice₹ 500.00 -
SNAP 2021
Record Count: 64,675Fields: SNAP ID, Applicant Full Name, Email, Mobile, Gender, Address, State, City, Pin, Graduation CoursePrice₹ 750.00 -
XAT 2021
Record Count: 46,621Fields: XAT ID, Student Name, Student Mobile, Parent Mobile, Student Email ID, Father Email ID, Mother Email ID, Father Name, Mother Name, Gender, Address, District, State, Pin, Blood Group, Castem, DOB, Previous Education Details, XAT Scores and PercentilePrice₹ 750.00 -
CAT 2020 (Admissions 2021)
Record Count: 1,90,144Fields: Name, DOB, Email, Mobile, Gender, Address, Country, State, District, Town / City, Pincode, SSC Marks, 12th Marks, Graduation Details, Work Experience, PercentilePrice₹ 1,000.00 -
December MAT 2020 (Admissions 2021)
Record Count: 3,049Fields: Form No, Roll No, Name, Father Name, Mother Name, Email ID, Gender, Category, DOB, Stream, Address, State, Pincode, Inter Percentage, Graduation Percentage, Phone No, Mobile No, Work Exp, MAT Score, MAT PercentilePrice₹ 500.00 -
September MAT 2020 (Admissions 2021)
Record Count: 1,491Fields: Form No., Roll No., Student Name, Father Name, Mother Name, Email ID, Gender, Category, DOB, Stream, Address, State, City, Pin Previous Education Score, Phone No., Mobile, Work Exp, MAT Percentile, MAT ScorePrice₹ 500.00 -
CMAT 2020
Record Count: 74,486Fields: Rank, Roll No, App No, Candidate Name, Father Name, Mother Name, DOB, Gender, Category, State, Score, Email Id, Mobile NumberOnly 36,348 records contains Mobile Numbers.Price₹ 250.00 -
XAT 2020
Record Count: 61,410Fields: Application No., Applicant Name, DOB, Email, Mobile, Country, Gender, Category, Nationality, Address, State, District, City, Pincode, Scores, RankOnly 51,109 records contains Mobile NumbersPrice₹ 250.00 -
CAT 2019 (Admissions 2020)
Record Count: 2,09,926Fields: Applicant Name, Email , Mobile, Father Name, Category, State, Town/City, Pincode, Total Percentile, Previous Education Scores, Graduation DetailsPrice₹ 1,000.00 -
Karnataka MBA PGCET 2020
Record Count: 25,273Fields: Student Name, District, Caste, Mobile NumberPrice₹ 750.00 -
IP University MBA Entrance Exam 2020
Record Count: 4,807Fields: Application No, Application Date, DOB, Applicant Name, Email, Mobile, Father Name, Mother Name, Address, City, PincodeFree -
Karnataka MAT (KMAT) - MBA 2020
Record Count: 4,259Fields: Course, Candidate Name, DOB, Age, Gender, Domicile, Email, Mobile, Stream, Institute Name, Institute Place, YOP, Preferance City, Corresponsance Address, Permanant AddressFree -
August ATMA 2020
Record Count: 2,842Fields: PID, Roll No., Name, Scores, Percentile, Address, Gender, Email, DOB, City, Pincode, State, Landline No., Mobile, Previous Academic Details, Work ExperiencePrice₹ 250.00 -
July ATMA 2020
Record Count: 2,821Fields: PID, Roll No., Name, Scores, Percentile, Address, Gender, Email, DOB, City, Pincode, State, Landline No., Mobile, Previous Academic Details, Work ExperiencePrice₹ 250.00 -
May MAT 2020
Record Count: 2,292Fields: Form No, Roll No, Name, Father Name, Mother Name, Email ID, Gender, Category, DOB, Stream, Address, State, City, Pin, Previous Education Details, Phone No, Mobile, Work Experience, PercentileFree -
February MAT 2020
Record Count: 2,941Fields: Form No., Roll No, Student Name, Father Name, Mother Name, Email ID, Gender, Category, DOB, Stream, Address, State, City, Pincode, Previous Education Scores, Phone No., Mobile, Work Experience, MAT Scores and PercentilePrice₹ 250.00 -
December MAT 2019
Record Count: 4,883Fields: Form No, Roll No, Name, Father Name, Mother Name, Email ID, Gender, Category, DOB, Stream, Address, State, City, Pincode, Previous Education Scores, Phone No, Mobile, Work Experience, MAT Scores, MAT PercentilePrice₹ 250.00 -
CMAT 2019
Record Count: 64,582Fields: Roll, App No, Candidate Name, Father Name, Mother Name, DOB, Gender, Category, State, Exam Date, Marks, Result, EmailDo not have Mobile NumbersFree -
XAT 2019
Record Count: 30,998Fields: XAT ID, Applicant Name, DOB, Email, Country, Gender, Category, Address, State, District, Town/City, Pincode, Percentage, PercentileDoes not contain Mobile NumbersFree -
Andhra Pradesh ICET 2019
Record Count: 24,771Fields: Hall Ticket No, Rank, Name, Caste, Mobile, City, District, State, PinFree -
Karnataka MBA PGCET 2019
Record Count: 24,392Fields: District, Student Name, Mobile, EmailFree -
Karnataka MAT (KMAT) 2019
Record Count: 6,663Fields: Course, Student Name, DOB, Gender, Domicile, Email, Mobile, Stream, Institute Name, Institute Place, Address, City, State, PincodeFree -
July ATMA 2019
Record Count: 4,100Fields: PID, Roll No., Name, Address, Gender, Email, DOB, City, Pin Code, State, Landline, Mobile, Previous Education Details, Work Exp. Details, Scores, PercentileFree -
June ATMA 2019
Record Count: 4,744Fields: Roll No., Name, Scores, Percentile, Address, Gender, Email, DOB, City, Pin Code, State, Landline, Mobile, Previous Education Details, Work Exp. DetailsFree -
May ATMA 2019
Record Count: 5,801Fields: PID, Name, Address, Gender, Landline, Mobile, Email, City, Pin, State, Degree, Previous Education Scores, Work Experience, ATMA Scores and PercentileFree -
May MAT 2019
Record Count: 5,128Fields: Form No, Roll No, Name, Father Name, Mother Name, Email ID, Gender, Category, DOB, Stream, Address, State, Pin, Inter Percentage, Graduation Percentage, Phone No, Mobile No, Work Exp, MAT Score, MAT PercentileFree -
February ATMA 2019
Record Count: 3,017Fields: Roll No, Name, Address, Gender, Landline, Mobile, Email, City, Pin, State, Degree, Previous Education Scores, Work Experience, ATMA Scores and PercentileFree -
February MAT 2019
Record Count: 5,273Fields: Form No, Roll No, Name, Father Name, Mother Name, Email ID, Gender, Category, DOB, Stream, Address, State, Pincode, Inter Percentage, Graduation Percentage, Phone No, Mobile No, Work Exp, MAT Score, MAT PercenFree -
December MAT 2018
Record Count: 6,163Fields: Form No, Roll No, Name, Father Name, Mother Name, Email ID, Gender, Category, DOB, Stream, Address, State, Pincode, Inter Percentage, Graduation Percentage, Phone No, Mobile No, Work Exp, MAT Score, MAT PercentileFree -
September MAT 2018
Record Count: 2,620Fields: Form No, Roll No, Student Name, Father Name, Mother Name, Email Id, Gender, Category, DOB, Stream, Address, State, Pin, Education Details, Phone No, Mobile No, Work Exp, Score, PercentileFree